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A Public Statement From Alex Brightstone

April Collins

Hello people of Los Santos,

Some of you may know me, some of you may not. I am Alex Brightstone, owner and CEO of Burger Shot.

Recently, some rumors and ‘truths’ have surfaced about me in the media. I am here to be completely transparent and open with you all, providing as many honest answers as I can and offer my apologies. There are some forces out there in the world that have grabbed hold of my name and I do not wish to aggravate them; however, I will try to tell you as much as I can whilst not endangering myself in the process.

It is true that I have previously been convicted for attempted bank robbery in addition to other charges on my record. I am not a flawless man, nor do I try to portray myself as one. We all do things we may live to regret in the future. In my many wrongdoings, I have hurt people that I never wished to hurt and for those of you I am very sorry. I can understand that I have not always made the right choices and I apologize to those I have hurt.

Regarding the images and twats of the bank robbery that took place yesterday evening. It is true that the person who allegedly looked like me, Alex Brightstone, was in fact wearing the same costume as I did during the Escobar Halloween Night. However, I can assure you that this was not me. I believe it to be someone who wanted to grab everybody’s attention and bring my flaws out in the light for you all to see whilst robbing a bank in a costume people know me in.

Moving onto what the group yesterday meant by ‘half-truths’. As I have said previously, I am a flawed man who has made many mistakes. I had discovered something that nobody had ever seen before. I then decided to impersonate a group I had heard of, in order to sell what I had found.. I sold these people the idea that they would be able to become ‘secret criminal warlords’ by buying what I had for them. As well as that, I would make people take up assignments that they would have to complete in order to become the one who has the most control. I sold these people lies. Purely for my own financial gain. Thinking back at it now, I regret this and to these people as well, I am sorry. I will not speak on any individual’s names in order to help them keep their anonymity as these are people who I understand would want their identity hidden. These people are just nice people, who live normal lives. Some of them even business owners, who purely follow a no crime ethos within their business. Was this wrong? Yes. Do I regret it? Deeply.

I am a humble man. I do not like the spotlights, the cameras, and the attention. In my previous life, I was homeless and tried to get as much money as I could in order to survive on a day to day. I had nowhere to sleep, nowhere to eat and I had no friends or family. Miraculously, I managed to get a job at Burger Shot where I felt my life turn around and I began to thrive. At some point in my career, my predecessor saw something in me that no one had cared to look for in me before. They gave me a chance of a lifetime to become a manager at Burger Shot and eventually as time went on and business grew, I was given the opportunity to buy and lead Burger Shot.

As mentioned before, I never really had a family. If I could guess how it feels to love and appreciate a family member though, I would guess it is the same way I feel for the people who work with me at Burger Shot. They are the closest to what I could call a family.

Due to the fact of me loving and caring for the people who work their hardest every day, with a smile on their faces, I have made the decision to step down from my role within the company as CEO. I believe that I am no longer suited to lead such an amazing company after what I have done. I will still continue to support the business and my beloved Burger Shot family from the side lines.

The new Burger Shot CEO will soon be announced, and just as my predecessor saw something in me, I also see an extremely bright future in the person who will take upon his new role as the CEO of Burger Shot.

Best regards,

Former CEO of Burger Shot

Alex Brightstone



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